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IT and its Relationship to Library Organizational Structure and Management Functions: A case study

Yaghoub Norouzi Taibe Navabi

Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Qom, Qom, Iran Department of Knowledge and Information Science, University of Qom, Qom, Iran


The purpose of the present research is to identify the components of information technology (IT) and its effects on organizational structure and managerial functions at the libraries of Shiraz University. This research has been conducted using qualitative-survey and correlation methods. To collect data, a researchermade questionnaire (based on Likert seven-stage scale) was prepared and distributed among 64 staff and experts of the libraries of Shiraz. Then the collected data was analyzed by correlation method. The results show that IT development influences on organizational structure and especially has a significant relationship with reduction of centralization in organization. But the relationship between IT development and improvement of managerial functions was not confirmed. Generally, IT development at Shiraz University libraries has had the most influences on reduction of centralization, training and empowerment of the staff and improvement of communications. Also, any relationship between IT and functions of performance evaluation and selection of human sources was not found. It can be said that this study has contributed to the research into identify the components of information technology (IT) and its effects on organizational structure and managerial functions.


organizational structure, information technology, managerial functions, University libraries, Shiraz University

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